Since I set up Elfeed to suit my needs, I’ve been following the org-mode community on Reddit regularly. Many of the questions I see there from newcomers show a rush towards custom-made packages or bits of code without awareness of the powerful built-in features org-mode ships with out of the box.
I want to start a short series of “back to basics.” I hope to show the philosophy behind the certain flow I use as well as the plain and powerful features.
There’s a popular saying in IT: if you receive no comments about a project you just finished, you know you’ve done your job right. The latest commit to TAONAW is one of the biggest I’ve ever done, but I hope you’d barely notice anything.
At first, I only noticed an increase in back pains. Then there was general restlessness that didn’t allow me to concentrate on long-term projects at work. There was a nagging feeling of “I miss something” coming from my body, not so much my brain. And then, one day at the office during my on-site duty, I pulled up my screen and keyboard to its standing position and it hit me: I need to stand.
One of the things that makes Emacs stand out is its modes (or “plug ins,” for those who haven’t used Emacs before). The nature of Emacs being open source means that every mode is born out of a need. Nothing is “fluff.” Every good mode has a good reason to exist. The more people who have the same need, the more customized and refined the mode becomes. Indeed, some of these modes are more supirior than complete softwre packages, which often costs money.
Today I want to talk about Elfeed, one of these tools. Elfeed is better than any other RSS feed readers I’ve seen. The gif below will show you why:
What do you do when you are pretty comfortable with your Emacs theme and colors, but there’s one thing you have to change? You find the theme and you customize it to your liking. Here’s what I did.
With the majority of work happening from home, I decided to go back to Windows. I was stubborn at start, and continue to host a Windows VM inside Linux, but eventually I acknowledged that I’ll a smoother workflow the other way around.
Mounting SMB shares to Linux machines (or VMs) is an important skill for anyone using Linux. It can be quite confusing, especially for newcomers.
This guide assumes that you have two machines, Windows and Linux, on the same network and same subnet. It also assumes you’ve already shared the SMB folder with the right security properties: if you need help with this, look here for starters or find other helpful articles like this one.
Distancing Due to COVID19, Day 55. What are the effects?
One that comes to mind immediately is updating this blog. It was left untouched for a month (my last post has been growing mold for a couple of weeks, originally written in April). Other DDTC effects include: working from home and providing support to users remotely, lack of exercise, and “artificial depression,” as I call it.
What do Emacs, SSH, FTP, IRC and ffmpeg have in common?
These are all “old” programs1 that stood the test of time and are still in active usage today. Yes, ffmpeg is maybe not as “old” as Emacs, with its base back in the 1970, and you could argue IRC is barely used next to the giants of social media today, but that doesn’t mean they’re not usable.
Good morning from New York City, the new epicenter of COVID-19. This morning, I want to share a few tips that helped me cope with social distancing, keep mostly calm, and otherwise remain productive.